June 10,
Rocky Hill Firehouse, 2nd Floor
150 Washington Street
Rocky Hill, New Jersey, 08553
Telephone: 615-513-4464
Schedule of Services
Sunday 10: 15 AM Bible Class
Sunday 11 AM Morning Service
Thursday 7: 30 PM Midweek Service
When thou prayest rather let thy hearts be without words
than thy words without heart. John Bunyan
The shooting stars of temporary
prosperity may die out in everlasting night, but God is “the Father of lights,
with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” Charles Spurgeon
Mark 3: 1-8
While the Lord Jesus Christ walked this earth the enemies of our Lord never
hindered Christ from doing the will of his Father for the glory of God and the
welfare of the needy.
Christ Entered the Synagogue
The Lord has promised to meet with
his people in the place where he has recorded his name. (Mk 3: 1; Ex 20: 24) As surely as God the Holy Spirit dwells in
each particular believer, likewise, in whatever place the Lord has placed his
name and assembled his saints for public worship, God promises to dwell in our
midst: to bless his word for our growth, comfort, and establishment. (Php 2:
13) It is not the synagogue that is the
house of the Lord it is his people. (1 Cor 3:16; Mt 18: 20) Having this assurance, let us never forsake
assembling with the Lord’s people. (He 10: 23-25)
Two Kinds of People Present
There was a man with a need and those
with no need. (Mk 3: 1-2) The man with the withered hand represents the truly
needy sinner. Needy sinners are disabled
from working for our salvation due to our total ruin in sin like as this man
was disabled from working for his natural living by his withered hand (Is 1:
5-6) The Pharisees represent the hatred
of the unregenerate heart toward God. They watched for something to use to
accuse. The law was a letter to these
men like as the Sabbath was only a day to them.
They had no understanding that Christ is the end of the law for
righteousness to the believer. He is
Lord of the Sabbath and the Sabbath Rest of his people. (Mk 2: 27-28.) The Lord God rested after creating the
heavens and the earth, because there remained nothing else to be done. That is
what the believer finds in Christ. Believers keep the Sabbath, like we keep the
rest of the law, by faith in Christ. (Mt 11:28; He 4: 9) Brethren, the enemies of our Lord did not
hinder his work in the least nor shall they hinder ours. The Lord said the self-righteous will not be
satisfied with the gospel (Mt 11: 17-19; Ps 69: 10-11.) Instead, continue trusting the Lord and let
none turn you from Christ Jesus the Lord (Col 3: 1-25.)
Example of the Power of the Gospel
First, all heard the word of the Lord
as he taught but then the Lord singled out this man with the withered hand telling
him to stand forth. (Mk 3:3) Rmember, the Pharisee’s had just openly asked the
Lord the question whether or not it was lawful to heal on the Sabaath day. They watched that they might accuse. The man
with the withered hand heard it all yet he came forth at the Master’s
command. No matter who opposes, when the
quickening grace of the Spirit comes into the heart, the sinner is given boldness
to be identified with the Savior.
Secondly, through his gospel the Lord
Jesus silences those who would prevent us from approaching the Lord just as he
did the Pharisees. (Mk 3: 4-5) Remember that the Lord alone is able to silence
our enemies and he does so by his word. (Is 44: 24-25)
Thirdly, Christ gives strength
through the gospel to do what sinners cannot do of ourselves. He told the man to stretch forth his withered
hand and the man did. (Mk 3: 5) By his
power he gives the sinner life, ears to hear his word, faith to believe on him
and strength to cast all into Christ’s hand to heal. “Of God Christ is made unto us Power and
Wisdom” As long as something else is our strength such as we ourselves, our law-keeping,
or things temporal then we will find it impossible to enter into the blessing
our Lord has promised. As long as our
power lies in what we perceive we have the ability to do then we cannot do
anything for then all is reduced to complete inability. But when our Power and Wisdom is Christ, not
us, then we have true strength and true wisdom. (Php 4: 13)
Fourthly, we see that Christ’s cures
are not half cures. The man’s hand was
restored whole. (Mk 3: 5) Christ fully
“put away sin by the sacrifice of himself”.
By Christ Jesus the believer is wholly "justified from all
things." By his grace all who born of his Spirit are fully adopted, "Now
are we the sons of God." Christ entirely, forever pardons, "having
forgiven you all trespasses." When the Spirit of God enters in he makes a
man altogether whole in the inward man. (1 Jn 3: 9; Jn 6: 63; Eph 4: 24; Col 3:
Responses to Grace
The first response to grace we see in
those whom the Lord left alone. They
went forth right away and took counsel with men whom they had nothing in common
with how they might destroy the Prince of Life. (Mk 3: 6) Before a self-righteous sinner will bow to
the Lord and repent from a form of religion they will sooner lock arms with those
whose doctrine they claim to oppose.
Self-made men are merely looking for grounds on which they imagine they justify
their rebellion against the Prince of Life!
Another verse says they were “filled with madness”—that truly is
madness. Note that Christ withdrew himself from those who hated him.
The second response to grace is
exemplified in those who followed Christ (Mk 3: 7-8). When sinners are truly made to know our need
and made to hear the great things Christ has done, they follow him. Peter said,
“To whom shall we go!” These two things happen when sinners encounter the
presence of the Lord Jesus Christ: the self-righteous are infuriated and depart
while the needy follow Christ in hope.
Contact with the Lord Jesus makes men either better or worse.