Sovereign Grace Baptist Church

Free Grace Media

Of Princeton, New Jersey


AuthorClay Curtis
TitleWeekly Bulletin 2-27-2011
Bible TextVarious
Article Type Bulletin
PDF Format pdf

February 27, 2011





Rocky Hill Firehouse, 2nd Floor

150 Washington Street

Rocky Hill, New Jersey, 08553

Telephone: 615-513-4464


Schedule of Services

Sunday 10 AM Bible Class

Sunday 11 AM Morning Service

Thursday 7 PM Midweek Service



"As the wicked are hurt by the best things, so the godly are bettered by the worst things." -- William Jenkyn



I read recently that astronomers have discovered that the farthest known star is 13.7 trillion light years away.  My first thought was—wow!—it takes intelligent men to be able to determine such a thing.  Then I thought of God’s wisdom in giving men the ability to learn something so complex simply to show us how far we are beneath holy God, who says, “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts ” ( Isa 55:9).  Man may by our searching find out all systems of religion, all systems of philosophy and kingdoms of the earth, systems of the human body, of earth and sea, even of all solar systems.  Yet, without God in grace giving us an understanding through faith of who God is and how he saves sinners by the finished work of Christ then no matter how high our thoughts, we are still at least 13.7 trillion light years short of God’s glory.



When a sinner is filled by the Spirit of Christ so as to be persuaded that God the Father has delivered up his only begotten Son in his place then that believer will serve the Lord knowing that the Lord shall provide all for him as he gives all for other empty sinners to be filled with the gospel of Christ.


2 Kings 4: 2-3

She had only a pot of oil.   When the vessel of God’s mercy is anointed of the Spirit of God with the oil of gladness, God is able to make little plenty or plenty little according to what is best for his child.

She was to borrow vessels from her neighbor.  This would require her to confess her importunity and require her to humble herself in obeying the word delivered her.  Remember Naaman?  The way up with God is down!  “Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” (1 Pet 5: 6-7).


The vessels she was to borrow were to be empty vessels! (Philippians 4: 19) If God shall supply ALL our need, then we have to come to Christ Jesus the Lord empty: empty of merit, empty of power, empty of wisdom.  God does not make rich them that are increased with goods and have need of nothing—but those who are bankrupt.  As we, serve him in the furtherance of his gospel, the believer continues in Christ trusting him to provide ALL our need in this life (2 Cor 6: 10).


The number of vessels to be brought were ‘not a few,’ but many!  It was told her that the vessels would be filled.  Faith expects the Lord to do what he has said in spite of how hard it appears (Gen 18:12-14; John 6: 5-8).  Believe God, use all to the furtherance of his gospel, and expect God to fill you, as well all his chosen, redeemed, empty vessels of mercy.




2 Kings 4: 4


Shut must shut the door. None of the creditors or her neighbors, not even the messenger, would be able say they provided this provision.  This bride and her children would behold that the LORD alone had provided all, so it is with Christ’s church and her children (2 Cor 4: 7: 1 Cor 1: 29-31).


She was to pour out that which the Lord had given her. The prophet was not to force her, but merely to give her the word. She was to believe God and use what God had given her willingly—that is faith working by love, not law.


The oil would be multiplied as she poured out.  The riches of God’s grace--spiritual and temporal—are given to be put to use for his glory. His grace will never cease (Luke 12: 15-34; James 5: 3).  We will never learn that God is true to his promise if we do not try God in faith (Mal 3: 10). Matthew Henry said, “We are never straitened in God, in his power and bounty, and the riches of his grace; all our straightness is in ourselves.  It is our faith that fails, not his promise.”


2 Kings 4: 6-7

The vessels were filled full, every one.  Her obedience was evidence that she was filled full by the grace of God.  Receiving Christ, empty sinners have all God requires (Colossians 1: 12; 2: 9) Faith believes that as long as God has one more empty sinner the grace of God flows full and free.


Plenty to live on. Not only is the grace of God sufficient to pay all our debts but there is full sufficiency for Christ’s bride and his children to live upon until the day of grace ends--live thou and thy children of the rest.



After clicking on the following sermon links you will go to sermon notes where you will find an option at the top of the page to access the audio.


Instruction in the Way

For As Much As Ye Know

Empty Vessels Filled




Ways Opposite to our Ways

The Way Up With God is Down

Grace and Peace

New Heaven and New Earth

New Jerusalem

New Communion




There Is a Substitute

Sent to Preach Good Things

I Thought

Forgiving Those Who Trespass

A Name Above Every Name