February 20, 2011
Rocky Hill Firehouse, 2nd Floor
150 Washington Street
Rocky Hill, New Jersey, 08553
Telephone: 615-513-4464
Schedule of Services
Sunday 10 AM Bible Class
Sunday 11 AM Morning Service
Thursday 7 PM Midweek Service
“For we who have believed enter into rest.” –Hebrews 4:3
To rest is to ‘lean’ upon something, is it not? So spiritually, we need to lean upon something. The Lord himself has given us this figure. “Who is this that comes up from the wilderness, leaning upon her Beloved?” The figure of “a rock” on which the Church is built, “the foundation” which God has laid in Zion, points to the same idea, that of leaning or dependence. Now when the soul comes to lean upon Jesus, and depend wholly and solely on him, it enters into the sweetness of the invitation.
Have we not leaned upon a thousand things? And what have they proved [but] broken reeds that have run into our hands, and pierced us? [Isa. 36:6] Our own strength and resolutions, the world and the church, sinners and saints, friends and enemies, have they not all proved, more or less, broken reeds? The more we have leaned upon them, like a man leaning upon a sword, the more have they pierced our souls. The Lord himself has to wean us from the world, from friends, from enemies, from self, in order to bring us to lean upon himself; and every prop he will remove, sooner or later, that we may lean wholly and solely upon his Person, love, blood, and righteousness.
But there is another idea in the word “rest”—termination. When we are walking, running, or in any way moving, we are still going onwards; we have not got to the termination of our journey. But when we come to the termination of that we have been doing, we rest. So spiritually. As long as we are engaged in setting up our own righteousness, in laboring under the law, there is no termination of our labors. But when we come to the glorious Person of the Son of God, when we hang upon his atoning blood, dying love, and glorious righteousness, and feel them sweet, precious, and suitable, then there is rest. “We who have believed enter into rest,” says the Apostle. His legal labors are all terminated. His hopes and expectations flow unto, and center in Jesus—there they end, there they terminate; such a termination as a river finds in the boundless ocean.
–J.C. Philpot
Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience
by the things which he suffered. –Hebrews 5:8
“Yet learned He obedience” brings out, very forcibly, the reality of the humanity which the Son assumed. He became true Man…. But what is “obedience?” It is subjection to the will of another: it is an owning of the authority of another; it is performing the pleasure of another. This was an entirely new experience for the Son. Before His incarnation, He had Himself occupied the place of authority, of supreme authority. His seat had been the throne of the universe. From it He had issued commands and had enforced obedience. But now He had taken the place of a servant. He had assumed a creature nature. He had become man. And in this new place and role He conducted Himself with befitting submission to Another.… He who personally was high above all obedience, stooped so low as to enter the place of obedience. In that place He learned, by His sufferings, the actual experience of obedience—He obeyed.… The word “yet” is a note of exclamation, to deepen our sense of wonderment at His infinite condescension on our behalf, for in His place of servitude He never ceased to be the Lord of glory.…
And what are the practical lessons here pointed for us? First, our Redeemer has left us an example that we should follow His steps. He has shown us how to wear our creature nature: complete and unquestioning subjection to God is that which is required of us. Second, Christ has hereby taught us the extent to which God ought to be submitted unto: He was “obedient unto death.” Third, obedience to God cost something: “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution” (2Ti 3:12). Fourth, sufferings undergone according to the will of God are highly instructive. Christ Himself learned by the things which He suffered; much more may we do so, who have so much more to learn (He 12:10, 11). Fifth, God’s love for us does not exempt from suffering. Though the Son of His love, Christ was not spared great sorrows and trials: sufficient for the disciple to be as his Master.
– A. W. Pink (Commentary on Hebrews, ad loc.)
Are We Hearers Only?
James warns us about being “hearers only” (James 1:22). The hearer only does not hear the Truth. And the hearer only gives assent to the Truth. He sees that the Bible does in fact teach total depravity, election, limited atonement, and so on. However, it is one thing to give assent to total depravity, but another thing to see that you are depraved. It is one thing to acknowledge the Bible teaches election. It is another thing to see your need of election. It is one thing to assent to limited atonement, and even see the logic of it. It is another thing to see that you cannot be saved without it, and are most certainly saved by what He did. It is one thing to agree with irresistible grace, but it is another thing to find His grace irresistible. It is one thing to believe in perseverance, but it is another thing to persevere. The hearer only gives assent. The “doer of the Word”, enters in by experience to what the hearer only gives assent to. The hearer only is not saved. He is like the man that knows what medicine he should take, and the composition of the medicine, but he does not take it.
–Todd Nibert
One great difference between believers and lost religionists is this: lost religionists fit the worship of God into their lives; believers arrange their lives around the worship of God.
–Don Fortner
After clicking on the following sermon links you will go to sermon notes where you will find an option at the top of the page to access the audio.
The Revelation of Jesus Christ
For My Own Sake
Why Do Believer's Suffer?
True Love
The New Creation is Made by the Word
The Newly Created Child of God is Made by the Word
The Word Speaks Light
The Good Light
To Be a Witness
Wretched But Thankful
Some Definitions
The Man in the Middle
Helpers of Your Faith and Joy
Works of Henry Law