Sovereign Grace Baptist Church

Free Grace Media

Of Princeton, New Jersey


AuthorClay Curtis
TitleThe Way Up with God is Down
Bible Text2 Kings 5:1-14
Article Type Article
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Audio HI-FI Listen: He Went Down (32 kbps)  /  [go to notes]
Audio CD Quality Listen: He Went Down (128 kbps)  /  [go to notes]

The Way Up with God is Down
II Kings 5: 1-14

Are you a sinner?  Naaman had much honor given him by a man but it was the LORD who had used him to give deliverance to Syria.  In himself, Naaman was nothing but a leper. You may have great honor from men, but can do nothing apart from the Lord.  And apart from Christ you have the incurable disease of sin. (Isaiah 1: 5-6; Job 14: 4).  Are you a sinner?


Has God sent you his word?  God saves through the gospel (1 Cor 1: 21).  The LORD used Naaman's army to bring an Israelite girl to Naaman's house to wait on his wife.  This girl told of a prophet in Israel who could heal Naaman of his leprosy.  This was by the sovereign hand of God who chooses whom he will and passes by whom he will (Luke 4:27).  Has God sent you his word?  You would be wise to give your undivided attention to what God says.


Are you trying to buy salvation?  Naaman came with gifts to pay the prophet for his service.  Even the king in Israel knew this was wrong.  Naaman stood outside the door of Elisha's house full of pride with his horses and chariots and all his valuable gifts.  Yet, Elisha did not go out to him but sent a messenger out with this message.  First, you must lay aside all your gifts, all your fancy attire, all honor you think you have or deserve for you are a loathsome leper, defiled in your sin.  Secondly, you must dip in Jordan 7 times, that is, you must wash in the sin-cleansing blood of Christ Jesus.  Are you trying to buy salvation?  What do you think of this message? 


Naaman got angry, saying, "I thought…" If God told you there was some great thing for you to do then would you not do it? Why not repent and believe on his Son?  Naaman eventually went down, washed and came away clean. Do you hear the Voice of Christ!   Come down. Lay aside the rags you think will impress God.  The sacrifice has been made by Christ. Seek mercy and it is yours (Matthew 9: 10-12). Believe on Christ Jesus.  Thou shalt be clean!