February 6, 2011
Weekly Meeting Location
Rocky Hill Firehouse, 2nd floor
150 Washington St., Rocky Hill, NJ 08553
10 AM Bible Class
11AM Morning Service
7 PM Midweek Service
“I Thought”
2 Kings 5:11
Naaman was a decorated war hero and a man greatly admired and respected in his own nation. He was personal friends with the king and was considered what we call today, “somebody.” But he was a leper. Regardless of how much honor and respect a man has among other men and women, he is nothing but a leper in the eyes of God. God’s servants have been made to see God in His sovereign majesty, so they too, are not impressed, since ALL MANKIND are the same, nothing but sinners with spiritual leprosy.
Providentially, Naaman was led to the door of Elisha, God’s prophet. The prophet of God simply sent his servant out to meet this “worldly renowned man” with instructions that would cleanse him from his leprosy. Naaman was offended and angered and he left saying, “I thought this prophet would have come out to see me, being the great and famous man that I am.” Naaman thought Elisha would make a big ceremony for him, calling on his God, waving his hand over him because surely he had never helped so a great a man as he was.
Perhaps some of you that have been providentially brought to hear the gospel have said in your heart, those two words, I thought! Maybe you have said, I thought God loved everybody, or I thought it was up to me to be saved. Perhaps you have said, I thought I had to do something or I thought I had to walk an aisle or say a sinner’s prayer. BUT your thinking is all wrong, just as Naaman’s! But dear sinner you must hear the instructions of God by the servant of God in preaching. Be washed in the blood of the Lamb. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved. Naaman’s servants came and asked him, “If the prophet had given you some great thing to do, would you have done it?” How much better it is then to wash and be clean? Men by nature want to do some great work to be saved. But the great work has already been done, by the Lord Jesus Christ. The believer simply hears, trusts and obeys God’s Word by the grace of God!
David Eddmenson
Christ is the Way
Isaiah 35: 8: And an highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called The way of holiness; the unclean shall not pass over it;
Earthly Zion was where the city of Jerusalem was. It was the place where the one altar and the one mercy-seat were. That was the one place where the Lord in manifest glory communed with His covenant people. Therefore, access to earthly Zion was the most important part of the believer's life.
Eventually, Judah was carried away captive by Babylon. The true believer's longed to be redeemed from captivity and for a highway by which they could return to Zion, to the tabernacle of the Lord, to return into the presence of God. In due time the LORD raised up a king who set the captives free; and as promised, the LORD gave them a highway and the remnant returned to Zion with songs of rejoicing.
The good news of the gospel is far greater than a highway to some earthly place here below. When sin entered the world and death by sin, all mankind was taken into captivity in sin and separation from God. But God had a remnant chosen in Christ. In the fullness of time, Christ the King was raised up. He built the King's Highway. And he is the Way. By the Holy Spirit of God, every chosen child shall be newly born and called into Christ the Way, kept in him. Every believer shall make our pilgrimage in the Way from the sinful wilderness of Babylon to heavenly Zion.
If a sinner of old might come into the courts of the Lord as an accepted worshipper, simply because presenting to God the blood of bulls and goats, may not a sinner now come into the real, the immediate presence of Jehovah, with still greater certainty of acceptance, simply making mention of that divine blood which has flowed from the Lamb of God— the Word made flesh—who made His soul an offering for sin, and gave His life a ransom for the sins of many (Isaiah 53:10; Matthew 20:28)?
H. Bonar
Resting in the finished salvation of Christ, the vilest sinner shall be saved and the feeblest saint shall not be lost. Octavious Winslow
2nd--Kris DeRitter
7th--Barbara Santamaria
19th-Taryn Zakrzewski
After clicking on the following sermon links you will go to sermon notes where you will find an option at the top of the page to access the audio.
The High Way of Holiness
The Plain, Safe, Joyful, Sure Way
The Prophets Minds' Were Girded
One Life, One Meat, One Will
The Furniture in my Father's House
The King in his Beauty
Who Did Ahaz Reject?
No More Sin
Our Righteousness
The Promised Seed of Judah
Not of the World
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