Isaiah 33: 15-17
If we open our ear, our eye and our hand to any who would turn us from Christ we will surely begin to deal with our brethren as the oppressor, the briber, the shedder of innocent blood.
Oh, God now arise. Exalt yourself in our hearts and in our midst. Turn us that we might behold only the King in his beauty. Then shall our eye be single for Christ and our eye, and ear, and hand shut from the subtlety of Satan by which he deceived Eve. Lord, cause us to behold your Power and Wisdom that we may become a quiet habitation, that our troubled hearts be settled, that our cunning adversary be resisted steadfast in faith, knowing that each brother and sister suffers these same afflictions in this world. And let us not forget that after we have suffered a while you shall deliver us and all shall have been for your glory and our good.
Oh, rejoice in these painful trials. Let us lift up the hands that hang down and make straight paths for our feet--straight to Christ!