Emptying and Filling the Hand
Matthew 13: 44-46
A good friend told this story. This little boy in a restaurant would not let go of a buttery corn cob. There was nothing left on the cob. Still, he would not let it go. But when the owner of the restaurant held out a chocolate bar, he dropped the old empty corn cob and latched on to that better thing.
Only when you behold Christ will you turn lose of the empty corn cob and lay hold of Christ. The rich young ruler had his hands full of goodly pearls but he would not let them go because he did not behold Christ the Pearl of great price. Yet, with one command from the Lord, Levi, the tax collector, had his eyes opened to see Christ. Luke says, "He left all, rose up and followed Christ."
Where is your treasure? Are you still holding on to the goodly pearls in your hands or have you dropped all for the ONE PEARL OF GREAT PRICE? (Matthew 16: 25-27; Mark 8: 38; Matthew 16: 46; 6: 21). Are you like Mary? (Luke 10: 41-42). Are you like the apostle Paul? (Philippians 3: 7-11). If not, I pray God will not let you find rest till you forsake all for Christ the Pearl of great price! But if you have dropped all for him! Brethren, read Paul's word to the Colossians and rest your soul (Colossians 3: 1-17).