The Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth!
No lie is of the truth (1 John 2: 21). In every chapter of the book of Isaiah the LORD used a man to declare the truth of what he "shall" do. The same is the case in every chapter throughout the entire Bible. As time progresses through the scriptures, on a broad scale we see the LORD control the hosts of whole nations, along with the hosts of elements in space and in the earth. On a minute scale, we see the LORD turn individual hearts of men, even ordering the microbes of disease to go and retreat at his will. We see him send men with "thus saith the LORD" declaring beforehand the truth of what he "shall" do. Then we see the LORD work all things together bringing to pass exactly what he said he would so that his children know assuredly that God not only speaks the truth concerning what he "shall" do but the LORD is also able to perform it. How sad then for sinners to use the precepts of men which say the LORD uses less than truth or is less than all powerful to do as he says when in the face of so many infallible proofs of power and ability, he who is Truth and can not lie declares, "Zion shall be redeemed with judgment and her converts with righteousness" (Is 1: 21-27).