Who Hath Ears to Hear
Matthew 13: 1-23
In this parable the Lord teaches his disciples the utmost importance of hearing his gospel preached (Luke 8: 11; 1 Peter 1: 23-25; 1 Corinthians 3: 6-7). Three out of the four hearers are not profited: the wayside hearer is not (Mt 13: 4, 19), the stoney ground hearer is not (Mt 13: 5-6, 20-21), the thorny ground hearer is not (Mt 13: 7, 22). But the good ground hearer hears, understands and bears fruit (Mt 13:23). Therefore, you who have been given ears to hear, take heed to give yourselves to the hearing of the gospel of Christ (Mt 13:9). The Lord gives three reasons why believers should never take for granted the hearing of the gospel preached.
1. God has graciously given to you to know his gospel, but not to others (Mt 13: 10).
2. The Lord says that those he has given spiritual ears and spiritual understanding, shall be given more in abundance as we attend to the hearing of his Gospel. Those who do not continue in his Light, prove they never truly had Light and the Lord promises to take away even the word of the gospel they had (Mt 13: 12). The multitude is the example. For years, God sent his prophets to these natural sons of Abraham but they deemed themselves too wise to need the means which it pleased God to provide. So now, here the Master himself stands sowing before them, but not to them; only to those he had blessed to truly see and hear (Mt 13: 13-16; Ro 10: 14-21). What a witness to his true disciples of the grace he has given (Ro 9: 22-24).
3. The Lord reminds us that we have been given a more full revelation of Christ than even his prophets and saints of old (Mt 13: 17).
So we see, brethren, this privilege is a rich blessing of grace we must never take for granted. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear! (Luke 8: 18).