Christ and Moses
Deuteronomy 18: 15
God has spoken to us in these last days by his Son (Hebrews 1: 1, 2; John 1: 14; Matthew 17: 5.) Moses was a type of Christ in some ways. Moses was sent of God to deliver the children of Israel out of Egyptian bondage (Exodus 3: 10.) Christ accomplished the redemption of his children by which we are made free indeed (John 8: 36.) Moses was given a word from God to tell the people so they would know God had sent him--I AM THAT I AM (Exodus 3: 13-14). Christ said to the woman at the well, "I that speak unto thee AM" (John 4: 25-26). God gave Moses power to perform miracles so the people would know he was a prophet. Of Christ it is written, "Then those men, when they had seen the miracle that Jesus did, said, This is of a truth that prophet that should come into the world (John 6:14). But probably the most important similarity is in their mediatory offices. Moses was the mediator who delivered the law--the legal covenant, which none could keep (Deuteronomy 18: 16-17.)
God's law was a killing letter, the ministration of condemnation and death. It struck terror so that without a mediator the people could not hear the voice of the LORD directly, lest they die. So they asked Moses to go to God and bring them the law of God. Moses was a mediator of a legal covenant which we could never keep. Christ is the Mediator of a better covenant established upon better promises (John 1: 17; Hebrews 8: 5-12.)
The better covenant is God's testament to give his free inheritance to his sons and daughters. A testator has to die for the testament to be in force. Christ is that testator who died to give his children free inheritance. He is the Prophet who calls and teaches in the heart what he has accomplished (Hebrews 9:15.) When Christ the Prophet speaks into the heart through this gospel, he declares the work is finished. Christ has established the law and justified his people, the chastisement of their peace was upon him and with his stripes all his children are healed. Christ the Prophet teaches his child through his gospel through the Spirit, "Your sins and iniquities I remember no more. You have been given a free inheritance, joint-heirs with Christ."