Of The Household of God
Leviticus 16: 5
The congregation typified here is the household of God. God is the Father. Christ Jesus is God the Son. All the elect of God make up the family of God, the congregation of the children of Israel. The Lord Jesus is the Firstborn Son of God, the elder brother of all God's children. God promised Abraham that God's sin-offering would be chosen OF the children of Israel. Christ THE SEED came through the lineage of Abraham, the true household of God (Genesis 22:18; Galatians 3: 16.) Through Christ, God promised Abraham that he would have a multitude of sons and daughters, God's elect "children of promise." Not all the natural sons are of the household of God. Remember Abraham had two boys but Isaac was God's elect child of promise, Ishmael was not; Isaac had two boys but Jacob (Israel) was God's elect child of promise, Esau was not. Even among the Gentiles, the chosen of God are counted as his children of promise (Romans 9: 8; Galatians 3: 7, 29, 29.), others are not. God chose THE One who would offer himself. He made satisfaction FOR the sins OF his own household (Hebrews 2: 11-17; 3: 6.) The issue in divine election is not that you think it is fair or not, but that Christ fully finished the work of redeeming a particular people given him by the Father. Let us seek his glory and not our own.