Leviticus 16:1-34
The day of atonement foreshadowed, in type, the sin-atoning work of the Lord Jesus Christ for God's true Israel. The chapter begins "And the LORD spake unto Moses." In order for sinners to approach God in his Way, the LORD must speak into the heart he has made new. God teaches his children what he taught Moses. Before Adam sinned he lived in communion with God; but after he broke God's commandment, he and all mankind was separated from God. In Mosaic law, God declares that no man can come to God except through the High Priest, once a year, not without blood. Christ is the High Priest. He offered one sacrifice for sin forever. He offered his own blood. God's wrath must be propitiated. Justice must be satisfied. Sin must be punished. The day of atonement looked forward to that one offering by which Christ Jesus accomplished full satisfaction for God's elect, making them fully, freely accepted of God in Christ forever.