Sovereign Grace Baptist Church

Free Grace Media

Of Princeton, New Jersey


AuthorClay Curtis
TitleWeekly Bulletin 10-17-2010
Bible TextN/A
Article Type Bulletin
PDF Format pdf
Word Format doc
Audio HI-FI Listen: Who Hath Ears to Hear (32 kbps)  /  [go to notes]
Audio CD Quality Listen: Who Hath Ears to Hear (128 kbps)  /  [go to notes]

October 17, 2010




Weekly Schedule of Services


10:00 AM

Bible Class


11:00 AM

Morning Service


  7:00 PM

Mid-week Service


Web Addresses

Be sure to bookmark our website for daily articles and audio messages:  |

Weekly Meeting Location

Rocky Hill Firehouse, 2nd floor

150 Washington St., Rocky Hill, NJ 08553

Mailing Address
7 Birch Street

Pennington, NJ 08534

Phone: 615-513-4464  |  Email:

If you would like to receive this bulletin sent weekly to your email then send a note to the email address above.


ANNOUNCEMENT: Next Sunday, October 24, due to an event at the Rocky Hill Firehouse, we will meet in the pastor's home at 7 Birch Street in Pennington at 10am and 11am.



Why Must Every Sermon Be Christ?


1. Christ is our Deliverer. (Col. 1:13) Why do we need deliverance? For we are captives of sin and Satan (2 Tim. 2:24-26). So I preach Christ, the Deliverer.


2. Christ is our Reconciler. (Col. 1:20-21) Why do we need reconciliation? Because we are at enmity with God Almighty (Rom. 5:10). Can you imagine that awful fact? So I preach Christ, the Reconciler.


3. Christ is the Bringer of Grace. (Rom 3:24) You do not go get grace; Christ brings grace. How will poor sinners get grace if we preach not Christ the Bringer? So I preach Christ, the Bringer of Grace.


4. Christ is Completeness. (Rom. 8:2-4) Who does not want to be complete? So I preach Christ, our Completeness.


5. Christ is our Comfort. (2 Thess. 2:16-17) In all the perplexities of life, people need comfort. It is found only in Christ. So I preach Christ, the Comforter.


6. Christ is the Supplier of Need. I said need, not want (Phil. 4:19). How can poor sinners have any hope without Him who fulfills spiritual and physical need? So I preach Christ, the Supplier of Need.


So, there is not more than Christ. He is the whole counsel of God. Preach more than Christ? God Himself summed it up. Christ is all. What is more than all?                   –Bruce Crabtree



True Love

If you knew that someone you loved was going to die and you knew a way to possibly prevent it, I am convinced that every person with half a heart would do so. When you really care and love someone you always have their best interest at heart. Many caring men and women encourage those that they love to give up a bad habit that is harmful to their health. They exhort those that they love not to smoke, to eat right, and to exercise. Parents warn their children of the dangers in this life and encourage them to avoid certain situations and even give them restrictions in an effort to keep them safe. However, and most unfortunately, many believers know that one day not so far away (this life is like a vapor, James 4:14) everyone they know and love dearly, who does not know God in Christ, will die a horrible, painful death. It will be a death in which the result will be eternal damnation and torment. (Matt. 22:13)  Can it be prevented? It can if God is pleased to make it so. But here is where many miss it completely, for they say, “if God is going to save and rescue a loved one, He is the One that has to do it.” And friends that is so! But our Great and Sovereign God has ordained a way and a means of accomplishing this omnipotent rescue. 1 Corinthians 1:21: For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe. If we really love our loved ones, family or friends, there is a way to possibly prevent them from true death. Bring them to hear the preaching of the Gospel. Just maybe, on purpose, God will call and save them by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus! (Rom 3:24) 


David Eddmenson is pastor of Sovereign Grace Church in New Caney, TX.



Who Hath Ears to Hear
Matthew 13: 1-23

In this parable the Lord teaches his disciples the utmost importance of hearing his gospel preached (Luke 8: 11; 1 Peter 1: 23-25; 1 Corinthians 3: 6-7).  Three out of the four hearers are not profited: the wayside hearer is not (Mt 13: 4, 19), the stoney ground hearer is not (Mt 13: 5-6, 20-21), the thorny ground hearer is not (Mt 13: 7, 22).  But the good ground hearer hears, understands and bears fruit (Mt 13:23).  Therefore, you who have been given ears to hear, take heed to give yourselves to the hearing of the gospel of Christ (Mt 13:9). The Lord gives three reasons why believers should never take for granted the hearing of the gospel preached.


1. God has graciously given to you to know his gospel, but not to others (Mt 13: 10).


2. The Lord says that those he has given spiritual ears and spiritual understanding, shall be given more in abundance as we attend to the hearing of his Gospel.  Those who do not continue in his Light, prove they never truly had Light and the Lord promises to take away even the word of the gospel they had (Mt 13: 12).  The multitude is the example.  For years, God sent his prophets to these natural sons of Abraham but they deemed themselves too wise to need the means which it pleased God to provide. So now, here the Master himself stands sowing before them, but not to them; only to those he had blessed to truly see and hear (Mt 13: 13-16; Ro 10: 14-21). What a witness to his true disciples of the grace he has given (Ro 9: 22-24).


3. The Lord reminds us that we have been given a more full revelation of Christ than even his prophets and saints of old (Mt 13: 17).


So we see, brethren, this privilege is a rich blessing of grace we must never take for granted.  Who hath ears to hear, let him hear! (Luke 8: 18).



After clicking on the following sermon links you will go to sermon notes where you will find an option at the top of the page to access the audio.


Who Hath Ears to Hear

Save Yourselves

Natural or New?



The Servant of God Has a Specific Purpose

The Servant Must Not Compromise

The Servant Must Ask God and Wait

The Servant Must Stay the Course

The Servant Must Seek a Verdict



A Good Place to Rest and Raise our Young

Saved in Childbearing

A Letter to a Preacher

The Church Were Everybody is a Nobody

O Ye of Little Faith