Sovereign Grace Baptist Church

Free Grace Media

Of Princeton, New Jersey


AuthorClay Curtis
TitleThe People Were Allowed to Drink
Bible TextExodus 17:6
Series Types of Christ
Article Type Article
PDF Format pdf
Word Format doc

The People Were Allowed To Drink

Exodus 17: 6


There are three characteristics of these people.  First, they are a people chosen of God (Isa 43:20.)  There were many more nations in the world at this time but only Israel was led to the rock and allowed to drink this water.  Even so, only God's elect Israel shall be led to Christ the Rock where they may drink.  We need to hear this continually because we need a death blow struck to our pride.  Do you see what these people were? This people were a rebellious, chiding, murmuring people with murder in their heart toward God and his messenger.  That is you and me.  We deserve no favor from God.  God chooses whom he will; God gives waters and rivers to his chosen; all we are is wilderness and desert--I give waters in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert, to give drink to my people, my chosen. 


Secondly, they are a people with whom God is completely satisfied.  Moses, in anger, smote the rock twice.  God told him he could not enter the Promised Land because of this (Nu 20: 11, 12.)  Remember, Moses represents the law.  The people would not go into the Promised Land under the rule of the law.  They were led into the Promised Land by Joshua--Savior--a type of Christ.  The lesson is this: Christ was only smitten once.  He drank the cup of God's wrath dry.  The law has no condemnation toward the believer because it has nothing else to say to Christ (Ro 6: 9-11.) Every believer has fulfilled the law through faith in Christ (Ro 3: 31.) Furthermore, every believer is under the leading rule of Christ our Husband (Ro 7: 4; Is 62: 11, 12.)


Thirdly, they are a people to whom the Water of Life is given freely and freely they receive it.  "Accepting" Jesus is self-will-pride. You do not make God's work in Christ effectual by putting your stamp of approval on it.  It would be like these thirsty, murmuring sinners claiming they made the Water because they decided they would drink it.  All the work was done for them--that the people may drink.  Thirsty sinners do not have to be persuaded, they are made willing by God to "receive" the water--a picture of faith (John 7: 37, 38.)