Sovereign Grace Baptist Church

Free Grace Media

Of Princeton, New Jersey


AuthorClay Curtis
TitleWeekly Bulletin 8-19-2012
Bible TextExodus 15:23-27
Article Type Bulletin
PDF Format pdf
Word Format doc
Audio HI-FI Listen: The Sweetening Tree (32 kbps)  /  [go to notes]
Audio CD Quality Listen: The Sweetening Tree (128 kbps)  /  [go to notes]

August 19, 2012





Rocky Hill Firehouse, 2nd Floor

150 Washington Street

Rocky Hill, New Jersey, 08553

Telephone: 615-513-4464


Schedule of Services

Sunday 10: 15 AM Bible Class

Sunday 11:00 AM Morning Service

Thursday 7: 30 PM Midweek Service


I wish your soul was bankrupt!  You may not think this is nice to wish on someone, but I know that is the only time we will seek Christ.  Spiritual need is what gives courage to our soul to cast itself upon the Sovereign Grace of Christ!  "If we stay here we will die."                                                                           

Milton Howard is pastor of Kitchen’s Creek Baptist Church in Ball, Louisiana. 



Exodus 15: 23-27


Natural Israel is a type of spiritual Israel, believers in particular. (Gal 3: 27-29) They passed through the Red Sea, baptized unto Moses, picturing the baptism wherewith Christ was immersed in the judgment of God, shown in water-baptism. They saw their enemy dead upon the seashore and sang a song of rejoicing, a type of the believers rejoicing in faith as we behold all our sins cast into the sea by the power of Christ.  Then immediately the trials began.  They went three days but found no water. (Ex 15: 22)  Finally, they get to water but the water was bitter. (Ex 15: 23) Three days ago they were singing and rejoicing in the Lord but now they murmur against Moses. (Ex 15: 24)  But Moses did not lead them into further rebellion by murmuring with them, instead he cried unto the Lord. (Ex 15: 25)  And the LORD shewed him a tree, which when he had cast into the waters, the waters were made sweet. (Ex 15: 25)  If that tree is cast into our bitter waters, they will be made sweet.


The Bitter Waters

The trial of the believer begins when God’s grace makes us sojourners in this world.  The sins of our old man are bitter waters.  We have sickness and many bodily infirmities that are bitter.  Worldly cares, trials in our own household, where we work, all of these can present bitter waters. We find ourselves just wanting to take a long, cool, drink and be satisfied.  But we bend down, dip beneath the surface, and find bitter waters.  How long will we go after that mirage in the desert?  In all worldly rivers we find pond scum mixed with every sip.   But what a blessing! God will not let his child find refreshing in these earthly things! Else we would call bitter sweet and sweet bitter.


Two Cries

First, there was a cry of murmuring.  Bitter waters reveal to us there is yet an old sin-man still in the believer.   (Ps 39: 5; Ro 7: 18)  We usually complain of the second causes like they murmured at Moses but all second causes are ruled by the God of first cause.  Let us not make excuse by merely saying, “Well, that is my old sin nature.”  If we are partakers of the divine nature, give ourselves to lay aside all murmuring and magnify the Lord of the trial. 


Secondly, there was a cry unto the Lord.  This is the cry of the new man of the heart.  The God of all grace gets the glory for bringing us to make this cry. (Ro 8: 26) Trials do not of themselves bring forth prayer from a believer, only the God of all grace does that.   Sinners need not only his throne of grace to go to, but we need his grace to ask him. The Mercy Seat will do a sinner no good without mercy to make us approach. What grace to have access to his throne of grace!  What grace to be drawn to approach him!

The Sweetening Tree

The sweetening tree is Christ crucified. (Ex 15: 25-26; 1 Pet 2: 24; Gal 3: 13)  The LORD says, “I am the LORD that healeth thee”. 


First, the tree had to be cut down.  In place of his people, Christ drank the bitter waters that caused our curse, cut down upon the cursed tree by divine justice.  (2 Cor 5: 21; Is 51: 22; Is 53: 5) But Christ accomplished atonement, perfecting forever them that are sanctified.  (Heb 10: 11-14)


Secondly, notice the tree was there along.  Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever.  God’s elect have been sure in our Surety from before the world began.  Our salvation was accomplished when Christ said, “It is finished.”  Right now we are reconciled, pardoned, accepted, saved, and called with a holy calling.  Still, the Spirit of God has to continually turn us to Christ.


Thirdly, when cast into the waters, the water were made sweet.  Read Romans 8: 34-39 and you will find the tree that sweetens the bitter waters.  Get these words down in your heart and find the sweetest drink there is. 


One last thing, the Lord is always able to provide plenty of sweet water for each of his children. Exodus 15: 27: And they came to Elim, where were twelve wells of water, and threescore and ten palm trees: and they encamped there by the waters.