March 11, 2012
Rocky Hill Firehouse, 2nd Floor
150 Washington Street
Rocky Hill, New Jersey, 08553
Telephone: 615-513-4464
Schedule of Services
Sunday 10: 15 AM Bible Class
Sunday 11 AM Morning Service
Thursday 7 PM Midweek Service
A man would be counted a fool to slight a judge before whom he is to have a trial of his whole estate. The trial we have before God is of [greatest] importance, it concerns our eternal happiness or misery; and yet dare we affront him? John Bunyan
By Bruce Crabtree
There are three things I have learned, yet I find myself needing to be reminded of:
1. When I make the glory of God my foremost concern, it doesn't seem to matter if I have little or much of this world. I am content (I Tim. 6:6).
2. When I make the worship of Christ my ultimate attraction, I begin to feel a disconnection from this world and its beauties. I have found with Miss Lemmel that, "The things of earth grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace" (Col. 3:1-3; Psalm 27:4)!
3. I have found for myself when I make the service of His kingdom my chief duty, I just don't have enough time left to dilly-dally around in the affairs of this life (II Tim. 2:4).
2 Peter 1: 1
Opposite to man doing is faith which trusts Christ doing. In this one verse the Spirit of God tells us four things that faith is.
First, faith is obtained or divinely appointed (Luke 1: 9; Acts 1: 17). Faith is by the gift and operation of God’s grace: it is one of those good works which God ordained before the foundation of the world that his elect children shall walk in (2 Cor 5: 7; Eph 2: 8-10; 2 Thess 2:13-14; Acts 13: 4). It is because his children are already his children that God sends forth the Spirit, giving faith which lays hold of Christ (Gal 4: 6).
Secondly, faith is like in every believer. It is not like in degree: there are some “strong in faith” and some “weak in faith”. Faith is like faith in that there is but one faith, from one source the Holy Spirit, with one object Christ Jesus (Eph 4: 4-6; Gal 3: 7).
Thirdly, faith is precious. It is more precious than gold that perishes (1 Pet 1: 7) because not all have faith (2 Thess 3: 2; Mt 7: 14), but mainly because through faith Christ becomes precious to us (1 Pet 2: 7; 1: 18-21).
Fourthly, faith is through the righteousness of God and our Savior Jesus Christ. Most modern translations change “through” to “in”. But faith is the appointed gift of God to those God ordained to eternal life. It is righteous for God to give faith to his chosen child because through Christ that child has been righteous since God gave the child to his Son in eternity. Faith was given from God to Abraham through the righteousness of God and our Savior Jesus Christ because in Christ his Surety Abraham was righteous before Abraham had ever been brought to rejoice in the good news. It was by faith, apart from works, that Abraham saw Christ’s day, believed God, and entered into the good news that the righteousness of Christ was imputed unto him through faith, but that faith was given him through the righteousness of God and our Savior Jesus Christ (Gen 15: 1; Jn 8: 56; Rom 4: 1-8).
Someone concludes that these four facts of faith make it so we cannot even boast of our faith. Fact is, true faith only boasts in Christ anyway (Rom 3: 27; 1 Cor 1: 30-31).
[Brethren, the following article came as a blessing to me. It goes along with our study in 2 Peter. It is my hope that our heavenly Father will use it as a useful reminder for you as well.]
Private Sin – Public Consequences
Don Fortner
"Ahaz said, I will not." -- Isaiah 7:12
The Lord God sent his prophet Isaiah to Ahaz the King of Judah, to warn him not to make a confederacy with Assyria, but to trust the Lord alone. Ahaz, being the wretched king he was, said, "I will not." He even pretended to excuse his disobedience by claiming great reverence for God! Ahaz's disobedience was horrible. And it had horrible consequences upon Ahaz. But his unbelief and disobedience to God affected many, many people. As the king of Judah, everything he did, good or bad, affected the whole nation. Ahaz, by his actions, led the whole nation in rebellion against God and brought the judgment of God upon it (Isa. 8:5-8). The inhabitants of Judah forsook the Lord because of Ahaz!
A Warning. What does this have to do with us? It gives us a very solemn warning. All of our actions, good or bad, affect the lives of all who are under our influence. Like it or not, none of us live as an island. What we do, or do not do, does affect other people for good or for evil. And God holds us responsible for those who fall under the sphere of our influence (Read Ezek.33:1-9). Cain asked the Lord, "Am I my brother's keeper?" Here is the answer: You are either your brother's keeper or your brother's murderer! Ahaz was as responsible for the desolations of Judah as the Assyrian king who brought those desolations.
To Pastors. Pastors, remember Ahaz! It is your responsibility to lead the church of God in doctrine, in word, and by example. And God holds you responsible to lead his church to Christ. Woe to that man who abuses the pastoral office and leads men and women away from Christ!
To Husbands. Husbands, remember Ahaz! It is your responsibility to serve God as prophet, priest, and king in your household, to lead your family in the fear of the Lord, to trust, worship, and serve him. See that you do so.
To Parents. Parents, remember Ahaz! God has made you king over your children, to lead them by word, example, and discipline in the way of faith and godliness. You are responsible to provide for their physical welfare. But, far more importantly, you are responsible to provide for their spiritual welfare.
To Believers. Child of God, remember Ahaz! You are responsible to direct all whom you influence to Christ by example and by word. Neighbors, co-workers, employees, and employers, all who by God's providence fall under your influence, you are responsible to influence for good. By what you say and by what you do, lead the people you influence to the Savior.