September 25, 2011
Rocky Hill Firehouse, 2nd Floor
150 Washington Street
Rocky Hill, New Jersey, 08553
Telephone: 615-513-4464
Schedule of Services
Sunday 10 AM Bible Class
Sunday 11 AM Morning Service
Thursday 7 PM Midweek Service
I Corinthians 1: 29-31
The Lord Jesus defined “flesh” as that which we are by our first birth (John 3: 6.) All who are born into this world by natural generation are flesh. The evidence that a man is yet in his flesh is that if he does at least give lip service to the fact he needs salvation, he will only do so if he can be praised for at least some aspect of his salvation. God is clear. No flesh shall glory in God’s presence (Isaiah 42: 8.) If all are flesh by our first birth how then is a sinner made willing to cease boasting in his flesh and glory only in God? The answer is when God has made Christ Jesus All unto us.
Of God is Christ Jesus made unto Us Wisdom
Sin has made all men think we are wise. But here is Wisdom: Christ Jesus the LORD coming into the earth in human flesh (Jeremiah 9: 23-24), Christ Jesus saving his people in loving-kindness, in judgment and in righteousness in the earth, through his death on the cross. Wisdom is God performing his delight in his people by a second birth wherein Christ is formed in us (1 Jn 5: 20; 1 Co 2: 14-16.) When we are given the mind of Christ the so-called wisdom of our fleshly mind diminishes into ignorance as we stand in awe at the Wisdom of God in Christ Jesus. Then is the believer fully persuaded that what God has promised God is able also to perform (Romans 4: 21; 9: 16.)
Of God is Christ Jesus made unto Us Righteousness
Righteousness is to have done all the DEEDS required by law. By the disobedience of one (the first Adam) many were made sinners. A sinner is unrighteous. A sinner has no ability to work the righteousness of God (Romans 5: 17; Romans 3: 20.) That is so of you and me. But by the obedience of one (Christ the last Adam) many shall be made righteous (Romans 5: 19.) If we deny that we are made sin by the disobedience of our first Adam then we will deny we are made righteous by the obedience of the last. We cannot have one without the other. Righteousness is the gift of God by Christ Jesus only (Ro 5: 17.) Christ Jesus fulfilled every dash and dot of the law for his people in perfect righteousness and justified his people dying in perfect righteousness. But be sure to get this, Christ is our Righteousness (Ro 5: 15-17; 6: 23.) When will the sinner stop boasting of his own righteousness-es and begin glorying in one Righteousness?—when of God Christ is made unto us Righteousness.
Of God is Christ Jesus made unto Us Sanctification
Sanctification is holiness. Without holiness no man shall see the Lord. The Lord Jesus told the thief on the cross he would be with him that day in glory. But the thief had his hands and his feet nailed to the cross? Holiness is not in the hands and the feet but in Christ. The Spirit of Christ in the believer makes us one in Christ so that we are no more in the flesh but in the Spirit; though our bodies are yet flesh (Romans 8: 8-10.) This takes away the self-sanctifiers boasting in himself and in what he constrains others to do (Gal 6: 13.) But when of God Christ is made unto us Sanctification then the believer is made a new creation so that we glory only in the Lord (Gal 6: 14-15.) Nothing mortifies the lusts of our flesh, like this glorious good news, in Christ every believer is a saint as fit right now to enter into God’s presence as those saints already there (Col 1: 12.)
Of God is Christ Jesus made unto us Redemption
Christ paid the price demanded to purchase his people--his own life. Brethren, let that sink in. Christ is our Redeemer—he did the paying (Is 47: 4; 63: 16.) Christ has obtained eternal redemption for us—he accomplished the transaction (Heb 9: 12.) Christ shall return to redeem his purchased possession into glory with him one day—his people are his purchased possession (Ep 1: 14.) But what a reason to boast!—Christ is our Redemption—Christ is the Price!
Brethren, can we brag on our God too much! O let us sing with the Psalmist, “Not unto us, O LORD, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory, for thy mercy, and for thy truth’s sake.” (Ps 115: 1). “In God we boast all the day long, and praise thy name for ever. Selah” (Psalm 44: 8.) “That, according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord (1 Cor 1: 31.)
2 Peter 3: 18: But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.
Let us correct our attitude toward getting older. Believers must not allow the carnal thinking of this world to form our opinions and attitudes. The reason so much emphasis is placed on youth, physical strength and beauty, riches and possessions is because this is all that the worldling has and when these are gone—all is gone! Actually age, while it mars outward beauty, should bring us real lasting beauty—which is inward grace, mercy and peace. Age will decrease our physical strength but should increase our spiritual strength. We grow in faith, love and patience. Age may make our arms weak and trembly, but it should establish us more firmly on the everlasting arm. Age may make the present less sure but it gives us assurance of the certainty of the future. I’ll always be young in Christ! My steps may be slower but I walk with the King. My eyes may be dimmer but as I see less of the world I see more of my Lord. My ears may be dull but I hear His Voice more clearly. My body may be weak but I am stronger in faith. I may not know the latest story but I know the old, old story a little better. I may not be surrounded by as many human admirers but I am surrounded by a heavenly host which waits to take me home.
–Henry Mahan