March 27, 2011
Rocky Hill Firehouse, 2nd Floor
150 Washington Street
Rocky Hill, New Jersey, 08553
Telephone: 615-513-4464
Schedule of Services
Sunday 10 AM Bible Class
Sunday 11 AM Morning Service
Thursday 7 PM Midweek Service
We are thankful to have Brother Bob Coffee back with us again today to teach us in the 10am hour.
There is nothing higher, after all, than just being nobody, and Christ being everybody, and singing with poor Jack, the huckster, “I’m a poor sinner, and nothing at all, But Jesus Christ is my all in all.” If you grow till you are less than nothing, you are full grown, but few have reached that stage; and if you grow till Christ is everything to you, you are in your prime; but, alas, how far short of this do most men fall! Charles Spurgeon
1 Peter 1: 3: If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious.
Martin Luther said, “And this I call tasting, when I do with my very heart believe that Christ hath given himself unto me, and that I have my full interest in him, that he beareth and answereth for all my sins, transgressions, and harms, and that his life is my life. When this persuasion is thoroughly settled in my heart, it yieldeth wonderful and incredible good taste.”
As Newborn Babes
1 Peter 2: 1-4
God is pleased to birth his children again by the word. (1 Pet 1: 23.) This is the word whereby the gospel is preached unto you (1 Pet 1: 25.) And God is pleased to grow us by the same means (1 Pet 2: 2; 1 Cor 1: 21; Eph 4: 13-15.).) Christ is the Word made flesh--the Way, the Truth and the Life--of which the written word of the gospel speaks (Jn 1: 14; 5:39-40; 14: 46.) The amazing thing about the word of our Lord, through the preaching of Christ, is that as we are taught in the heart by the Spirit we are grown not only in knowledge but also in grace (2 Pet 1:2.) Therefore, as the Lord grows the believer in spirit, the flesh is withered because the Spirit of the Lord blows upon it (1 Pet 1: 24; Isa 40: 7.) Knowledge apart from grace puffs up the flesh for his word has no place there (Jn 8: 37; 5: 42-47; 1 Cor 8: 1-3.) But those in whom his word is planted grow both in grace as well as knowledge so that we become as little children in malice, knowing our best knowledge here is still as that of infants and our best expressions are yet like a stammering baby in comparison with glory hereafter. We evermore need the word of the gospel as much as a baby its mother’s milk (1 Co 13: 1-13; Heb 9: 13-14; Jn 17: 26; Mt 18: 1-4.) Wherefore lay aside the old man, and as newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby: If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious.
A Holy and Royal Priesthood
1 Peter 2: 5, 9
Christ our High Priest has not only made believers a “holy priesthood” but Christ our King has also made us a “royal priesthood.” (1 Peter 2: 9; Revelation 1: 6; 5: 10.) What is the significance of that? As royalty we have free access to his throne of grace and as holy priests we are accepted in the holiest of all (Hebrews 4: 16; 10: 19-22.)
Consider This Contrast
Jeremiah 17: 5: Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD. 6: For he shall be like the heath in the desert, and shall not see when good cometh; but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, in a salt land and not inhabited. 7: Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is. 8: For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit.
Next Sunday, April 3, Lord willing we will have lunch together after the services.
After clicking on the following sermon links you will go to sermon notes where you will find an option at
the top of the page to access the audio.
The Trial of Plenty
As Newborn Babes
A Spiritual House
Promise Filled Full
The Servant Abideth Not in the House Forever
What is Bondage?
What is it to be Free Indeed?
Will Complete Freedom Made a Believer Continue in Sin?
From One Doubter to Another
With Man it is Impossible
The Potter and His Power Over the Clay
Who is Jesus Christ?
The Un-People